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Latest Entries in “Dialogue”

May 10, 2013

The Perennial Challenge of Peace Through Dialogue

Dialogue Society

“So long as human history continues, we will face the perennial challenge of realizing, maintaining and strengthening peace through dialogue, of making dialogue the sure and certain path to peace. We must uphold and proclaim this conviction without cease, whatever coldly knowing smiles or cynical critiques may greet us.”
Daisaku Ikeda

May 03, 2013

Intercultural Dialogue Through the Celebration of Jazz

Dialogue Society

"We all want to live in a jazz world where we all work together, improvise together, are not afraid of taking chances and expressing ourselves."
Herbie Hancock
UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador

April 04, 2013

Building a Dialogical Civilization

Dialogue Society

The UN's designation of 2001 as the Year of Dialogue among Civilizations clearly recognized respect for cultural diversity as a precondition for peace and prosperity in the world. It also symbolized a new way of thinking in person-to-person, group-to-group, nation-to-nation, region-to-region and culture-to-culture relations.

Professor Tu Weiming
Director of the Harvard-Yenching Institute at Harvard University