Over 1036236 have signed the Pledge for Nonviolence. Take the Pledge →

Over 1,000,000 people have committed themselves to the path of nonviolence with our pledge. We invite you to explore our site and learn all of the reasons why nonviolence is essential to a harmonious life. Here are a few steps to ensure you’re doing everything you can to live and breathe a peaceful existence.



Register to begin sharing your stories about how you have achieved victory over violence in your life or community and how you plan to continue making a difference in the future. How many actions will you take toward building a world of Victory Over Violence? Make a yearly goal and add new stories to your VOV Ambassador page as you continue on the journey of your personal peace movement. Your actions for the sake of nonviolence and human dignity will help build the culture of peace and sharing your stories will inspire countless others to do the same.

Register Here



The quickest action you can take to officially join the VOV campaign is signing the VOV Pledge for Nonviolence. Signing the VOV Pledge will add your voice to a community of concerned global citizens who are committed to building the culture of peace.

Sign the Pledge





As an ambassador, all of your experiences, actions and dialogues for peace and nonviolence are chronicled. You can post as many stories as you want. Each accomplishment you post adds another chapter to the story of your personal peace movement. But posting your stories to VOV.com is not just an online record of your personal journey, it's also a catalyst to help others grow. It will encourage the people who read them to begin sharing their stories as well. As this collection of life experiences, dialogues, and actions grows and blossoms, so does the culture of peace.

Share Your Story