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Below are stories from VOV Ambassadors achieving victory over violence in their daily lives.
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Charles F.

“Even Planet of the Apes understood the plight of Non-violent protests, nearly 50 years ago.”

Grant W.

“Given the political and social situations we find ourselves in these days, it seems appropriate to listen to the comments made by Rodney King after his beating over 20 years ago.”

Dan P.

“For me, my parents provided the foundation that enabled me to ultimately achieve victory over violence in my life. I’m determined to honor them by helping the kids in my community struggling with bullies know that they are being heard, are valued, and have great futures ahead of them. One youth at a time, I am helping to build a culture of peace.”

David B.

“By the end of the meal, everyone was in high spirits and heavy with delicious food. My uncle had a wonderful time and we continued to hold the peace lunches for a few months. Not only did it allow everyone to broaden their tastes and perspectives, it brought a number of our coworkers together.”

Alexander M.

“I live in Seattle Washington and am an SGI-USA member of the Young Men’s Division. On my way through downtown Seattle nearly everyday I notice people standing on very specific street corners...”

AmaSepiaChan J.

“I moved back to America from Tokyo, Japan in 2006. Bullying soon became a major problem in my life. I lived with the stress from bullying for more than 5 years. In order to cope I used my artistic ability and created many original pieces of art.  I decided that I was going to be victorious over bullying in my life and with the help of my parents I spent the last year fighting back through creating art.”

Kym Y.

“Music, community, youth empowerment and coalition building. That was the atmosphere that pervaded during the 1st Annual International Hip Hop Conference held at Augsburg College in Minneapolis MN this past weekend. With over 250 attendees from 8 countries and 14 states the goal of sharing wisdom, culture, commonality and purpose was brilliantly put forward in a way that combined activism with art, music culture and education to get across the message of unity in action and community.”

Michelle H.

“I don’t like violence in any way shape or form, it destroys my peace of mind. We’re in it together…let’s just get along, ”

Stephanie G.

“I was once advised to ‘treat others as gently as a spring breeze and discipline myself as sternly as an autumn frost.’”

Kym Y.

“I hope to be able to continue to help eradicate violence against women and children and all human beings for many years to come.”

kara c.

“My story starts with the pledge I just made to Victory over Violence. I am very aware of the subtle ways in which violence exists day-to-day, person-to-person, moment-to-moment.  I consider it to be like a hidden poison that I feel compelled to drink.  Am I a violent person?”