A Mother’s Fearless Heart

If you want to be secure, make your enemy secure, because then the enemy will not be an enemy anymore.
Visaka Dharmadasa
Founder, Association of War Affected Women
If you want to be secure, make your enemy secure, because then the enemy will not be an enemy anymore.
Visaka Dharmadasa
Founder, Association of War Affected Women
We are working to empower women. And we think that solutions will come from women, when they have power. That's my hope. And to talk about the problem is to act. When you make the problem known, it will bring solutions, somehow, though we don't know how.
ChouChou Namegabe Dubuisson
Radio Journalist from the City of Bikavu in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Operating on fear is an issue of character. Courage is not merely, or primarily, the absence of fear. It is the taking on of tasks and concerns that are larger than the fear. It is discovering how to face your fears and moving through them as a whole person. That is what is essential.
Rev. James Lawson
Nonviolence Strategist of the U.S. Civil Rights Movement
The politics of courage is with us today. People still care intensely about courage, and we're still trying to stack the deck in our own favor. Determining who has courage, what actions count, who gets the prize, is disputed now no less than in the Iliad. Look whom we call heroes and claim are courageous.
William Ian Miller
In my own life, thoughts on courage tend to settle like dust not on the positive virtue, but on its negative partner. On cowardice. And my cowardice almost invariably takes the same form: a shrinking from social awkwardness, a flight from any situation in which I might be embarrassed or humiliated.
Anthony McGowan
Nonviolence is the highest form of humility; it is supreme courage. The essence of Gandhi's teachings was fearlessness. The Mahatma taught that "the strong are never vindictive" and that dialogue can only be engaged in by the brave.
Daisaku Ikeda