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A Story Shared by:
Stephanie G.

I was once advised to “treat others as gently as a spring breeze and discipline myself as sternly as an autumn frost.” I recognized that I had got these the wrong way around.. and was very aware of this. I sought slowly to change it. On some levels I was in denial because I felt that it was too hard a task to treat people so well all the time! But over the years I have come to realize that by changing what was inside me, I have achieved a victory over myself. I am human, I recognize that I am not perfect. but I feel that I have come a long way towards treating human beings with kindness and respect rather than the snarling and passive violence with which I used to treat them.

Upon reflection, I believe that my behavior towards others was based on my lack of respect for myself and my lack of hope for a future for myself.  I went on to study and graduate from university, get a teachers diploma and to have an awesome son who I love and respect.

I am 50 years old and am happier now with my life than I have ever been. During the recent five years I have taken part in presenting VOV at a local high school and found it a very valuable experience. It caused me to further reflect upon how I was treating other people,. Sometimes this process can be uncomfortable but there is valuable learning involved when I’m prepared to be honest with myself.

I am now planning on approaching another school with the aim to running the exercises again early next year if possible.

I was always such a prickly person. I am amazed at the change that can be brought about by opening ones heart and being honest.