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A Story Shared by:
Kym Y.

As a VOV ambassabor, bringing an end to racial discrimination and violence against women and children in my community is a cornerstone of my commitment to changing life conditions for myself,  my family and future generations. That is why I volunteered to serve as Chairperson of the board of directors for a local nonprofit organization in my community.

North Central Windows Program is dedicated to helping survivors and victims of domestic abuse, child abuse and adult/child sexual abuse through the use of art therapy and education as a tool of healing. We work in conjunction with other local nonprofit organizations to offer family centered programs, workshops and educational opportunities. It is our goal to empower victims and survivors of abuse to take back their lives and work through these traumatic experiences utilizing the creative arts.

I am very proud of the fact that we are celebrating our fifth year as a visible partner in the efforts to end violence in the Duluth Mn/Superior Wi area. One of our yearly highlights is a music and arts festival that celebrates the first harvest, safety and community. The festival is now in its fourth year and it is a great way in which we have come together to promote nonviolence and shared desires for peace and connectivity for all people in our community.

That goal is only strengthened by my pledge as a VOV ambassador. It is through such efforts and understanding of the importance of my own human revolution that I can encourage others to promote peace and seek to create a culture of nonviolence. I hope to be able to continue to help eradicate violence against women and children and all human beings for many years to come.