Educating the Full Human Being
The Difference Between Knowledge and Wisdom
Judith Thompson - Social Healling and the Greater Self, Part 1
Brené Brown on Leaning Into Our Vulnerability
FAR FROM THE TREE - book trailer
The Case for Curiosity: Mario Livio at TEDxMidAtlantic 2012
Spanish Flash Mob Performs ‘Here Comes the Sun’ in Unemployment Office
An Empathy Video That Asks You To Stand in Someone Else’s Shoes
The Power of Music - Jack Leroy Tueller
Flash mob in the Copenhagen Metro. (Copenhagen Phil playing Peer Gynt.)
Healing the Heart of Democracy: Abraham Lincoln’s Melancholy
I Have a Dream
Jean Shinoda Bolen: The Original Meaning of Mother’s Day, Mother Power, and Mother’s Agenda
Jonathan Haidt: Religion, Evolution, and the Ecstasy of Self-Transcendence
Declare Dignity: Donna Hicks at TEDxStormont