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A Story Shared by:
Alexander M.

I live in Seattle Washington and am an SGI-USA member of the Young Men’s Division. On my way through downtown Seattle nearly everyday I notice people standing on very specific street corners with Jahovah witness information. These fellow pedestrians are always dressed very very nicely and are eager to share what they believe. People who pass these religious representatives however are not always nearly as nice back to them. So my SGI practice consists of chanting for my happiness and the happiness of others around me. One of the most effective way to activate all this chanting we in the SGI do is through one on one dialogue. So summoning up the courage of a lion king I would chant 2 hours (Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo)  at home and then on my way to work stop and dialogue with any Jahovah whiteness I met. Every time my heart would race just before beginning to talk but somehow i always had something neutral and human to dialogue about. I asked respectful and down right philosophical questions as if fueled by the desire to forge friendships and gain a better understanding of why these people stood out here 6 days a week rain or shine. I have since starting this campaign made several good friends. i have even brought my father who is also an SGI member downtown to do this and a gentlemen we met now comes over to my house for tea and discussion! I am happy I was not arrogant or afraid to talk to someone different, and since feel like I can now talk to just about anybody!